id + affairs » creative endeavors to explore innovative technologies and ideas in collaboration with devoted institutions and professionals under equitable terms.
id + markets » generating and consolidating fair value for contemporary art and innovation, reaching the interest and support of the public and private sectors.
id + rights » encouraging creators to exercise their rights on authorship using licenses that best suit each specific creation, medium, and scope.
id + ethics » policies that seek transparency, fair conduct, and appropriate procedures among professionals towards a sustainable economy for the intangible.INNOVATIVE ART PLATFORM
This online network was a pioneering platform, developed in 2010 and opened to worldwide participants in an effort to promote those creators who virtuously synthesize innovative technology and outstanding artistic talent within the following categories:
Robotic art, electronic art, kinetic art, bioart, nano art, light art, virtual art, interactive art, software art, game art, sound art, engineering art, data visualization, cyberculture and net art.
Video creation, expanded photography, expanded painting, animation, motion graphics, performance, live cinema, experimental film, fiction shortfilm and documentary.
Digital, analog, post-produced, and photomontage.
Installation, sculpture, drawing, painting, illustration, graphic and works on paper.
The idea of opening this international online platform dedicated to innovative art praxis was supported from by some of the most relevant experts and promoters of innovation within the contemporary art field worldwide:
Macu Moran
Audiovisual, Plastic Art
Art Curator, former new markets director for artnet, New York, and director of Imagery Affairs, Barcelona.
Raul Zamudio
Plastic, Audiovisual Art
Art critic, writer and curator, former curator of Seoul Media Bienale and professor at John Jay College, Kean University and Parsons the New School for Design, New York
Berta Sichel
Audiovisual, Technology-based art
Art curator, former director of audiovisuals at National Museum Art Center Reina Sofia (MNCARS), Madrid
Don Foresta
Plastic, Technology-based Art
Director of Multimedia Art Research and Electronic Laboratoires (MARCEL), Paris
Oscar Peyrou
Audiovisual Art
President of Association of Cinema Press Spain, delegate of International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI), delegate of Federation of Film Critics of Europe & Mediterraneo (FEDEORA)
Menene Gras Balaguer
Plastic, Audiovisual Art
Curator and exhibitions director of Casa Asia, Madrid/Barcelona
Gye-Joong Kim
Audiovisual, Technology-based Art
Director of Seoul Experimental Film Festival (EXiS), Seoul
Rosina Gomez-Baeza
Plastic, Technology-based Art
Cultural manager, former director of LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Center, Gijón and former director of ARCO Fair, Madrid
Tony Langford
Plastic, Technology-based Art
Director of Kinetica Fair & Kinetica Museum, London
Amanda MacDonald Crowley
Plastic, Technology-based Art
Art Curator and former director of EYEBEAM Art + Technology Center, New York
Geraldine Gomez
Photography, Audiovisual Art
Director of audiovisual programs at Centre Pompidou, Paris
Brian Apple
Photography, Plastic art
Art critic and consultant specialized in contemporary photography, professor at the School of Visual Arts, New York
All artists, authors and collectives are welcome to participate, regardless of their nationality or country of residency. Artists within the network may well be contacted by the network of curators and experts to collaborate in exhibitions, sales and commissioned works projects, always in collaboration with author’s other agencies, producers, distributors and/or galleries. All artists, authors, and collectives are welcome to participate, regardless of their nationality or country of residency. English language is the chosen language for the online Collective, therefore English descriptions and subtitles when needed are recommended but not compulsory. Each participant can publish an unlimited number of works and/or projects. The participant is responsible for the content published, as well as the authorship and credits disclosed. Works should be innovative regarding techniques, materials, and mediums, both digital and analog, as well as the conceptual relevance and technical abilities shown through the author’s complete body of work, and not through a single work. Imagery Dimension holds the right to ask for images or excerpts from works for publicity matters. All commercial and intellectual property rights are and will be reserved to the author, who can, at any given time, modify and/or eliminate all his/her data. All participants will have online his/her profile and body of work (fully or partially) active and accessible to the public until the deactivation of his/her account. Non-finished projects can also be presented for crowdfunding online proposals. Artists within the network may well be contacted by the network of curators and experts to collaborate in exhibitions, sales, and commissioned works projects, always in collaboration with the author’s other agencies, producers, distributors, and/or galleries.
: : Welcome to Imagery Dimension : :
© 2017